Thursday, January 3, 2013

Trampolines, Temper Tantrums, and Gardens, OH MY!


A lil frustrated fright now! We just got over a mini-meltdown over the trampoline of all things! JB loves the why the tantrum?? Because its cold outside and I made him keep his slippers on his feet to jump. And I guess he thought it WAS THE END OF THE WORLD! Because I'm usually yelling at them to take their shoes off while they're on the trampoline. Poor baby got confused...and then he absolutely freaked out because I made him put his slippers back on after he took them off. Of course I was a little perturbed because I had to chase down his bosom buddy Coco (our Chesapeake Bay retriever) for the damn slipper she was gnawing on...I'm sure my pissed-off-edness (like my word?? I do that...make up my own every now and then...) didn't help JB's mood, but still...GRRRR! I'm just laughing at myself, for all of this frustration. ((Light bulb moment: maybe this blogging is actually good therapy for me...hmmm...who woulda thought??)) All is right in his little world now, after calming him down, giving him some lunch (and a little time to settle down), and telling him he can't go jump without his slippers to keep his feet warm. Now the lil man and the princesses and 2 of their friends are outside jumping and having a ball! All is right in the world. I love watching them play together!


Well y'all, I'm trying to plan the layout for my garden this year. I don't want to have a huge one, but I definitely need to get in some tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, and a few herbs if I can. Butch is worried about having enough time this year to do the garden because he is, once again, working his butt off. But who am I to complain...get that overtime baby! That just means that all of this gardening work will be mine...yuck. But he still has to find time to build a new chicken coop. I'm not tackling that one on my own with a munchkin attached to my leg!

The good news about all this gardening work...JB loves to dig! I just have to keep him digging in the correct places! Free child labor...woohoo! OK, so out comes the gardening book...I'll update y'all on how its going later on! Everyone have a lovely day!

1 comment:

  1. Shannon, this is such a great idea!

    I totally understand about the slippers. Today Katie asked for apple juice. The apple juice company had changed the label on the jar. She absolutely could not drink it. It was just wrong!

    If JB loves to dig, he may also enjoy pulling weeds. Katie loves to weed and can stay focused on this for a very long time. You just can't leave her alone or every green thing in the garden will be removed. :)

